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Each year, the ReaderBank releases new studies, activities, and surveys for readers to participate in. These will normally orientate around a theme. There are many ways of getting involved with ReaderBank!

In 2023, we investigated the ‘Forces of the Imagination’ using our Imagination Quiz, which gave us an insight into how readers construct their inner representations of the stories they’re reading.

In 2024, we are delving further into representing characters, to learn more about how characters appear and sound using our Character VoiceMatch Activity.

Forces of the


What type of reader are you?

How do people imagine while they read? And does everyone imagine in the same way?

Although we tend to talk about the imagination as if it were just one 'thing', it's actually the result of a combination of several different processes. It's possible that people vary in terms of which of these processes remain in the background, and which ones end up entering conscious awareness.

Our Imagination Quiz taps into some of these processes, and has helped us understand how different people use these processes to imagine these narrative worlds.


What do your favourite characters sound like?

Can you imagine how the characters in books might talk? What do they sound like to you?

Imagination is more than just picturing a scene. In fact, our imagination can create representations using all five of our senses, from sight to sound. We want to learn more about how people create auditory representations of characters, and why certain voices might be assigned to certain character types. We’ve teamed up with experts in voice perception to develop VoiceMatch, a new activity where you can explore some of these characters and give your say on how they sound to you. There are no right or wrong answers here!

Our VoiceMatch Selection

We want to know what you want to know.

Any bright ideas?